A Goodreads friend of mine by the name of Anne, recommended a book called Lord Rival, a notorious rake who first appears in Falling for Chloe and I am ashamed to admit this was my sole reason for reading this book! I wanted to know what part Lord Rival played and although he does not feature a great deal, we get a small insight into his possible back story.
However, besides my original reason for reading this book, I was in for a treat.
"He glared at her, exasperated. "Nothing sudden about it. We ain’t children any longer." "Ain’t?" she repeated, distracted by this linguistic lapse. "It’s the fashion," he explained. "But don’t you follow it! Bad grammar is thieves’ cant—all the crack in London, but not for females. Where was I?" - Diane Farr
Chloe is a sweet young girl, scarred by her parents marriage and despised by her father, after the estate was left to her following her mother's death. Chloe has no interest in getting married and is adamant on that point. Queue her best friend Sylvester Gilliland, also known as Gil. Handsome, charming and a loyal best friend. Chloe is a spirited young lady and within the first two chapters she has Gil roped into a fine mess indeed!! One that under normal circumstances would have them betrothed by sundown.
"Mr. Gilliland sat gracefully astride his mount, a beautifully-groomed gray that, in other circumstances, would have made Chloe green with envy. Gil was nearly as gorgeous as the prime bit of blood he was riding. His London tailoring looked out of place in the middle of Dobson’s Thicket, but it certainly was impressive. He looked every inch the gentleman, and, as he was a tall young man, there were a good many inches to look it." - Diane Farr
Gil's mother likes Chloe and would love to have her as a daughter in law, not to mention getting Chloe out from under her father's mean eye. Offering Chloe's father a handsome amount of money to quit the estate, a plan is set in motion. Meanwhile Gil's worried about his sister, who is married and now residing in London. Convincing Chloe to come to London to spend time with his sister, it is not long before they receive some shocking news. Their betrothal has been announced in the London Papers!!!
Chloe turned anxiously to Gil. "That had not occurred to me. Must I jilt you? Why?" He glanced uneasily into Chloe’s troubled eyes. "I cannot jilt you, that’s certain." Tish nodded vehemently. "It isn’t done. Now, don’t argue, Chloe! A gentleman cannot cry off." "But this is intolerable! Cannot you and I make some mutual announcement?" - Diane Farr
This book is a delightful read, although Chloe's naivety is almost painful to witness. Trying to get to the bottom of Gil's sister's problems and desperately trying to think of ways to get out of the betrothal they did not announce, Chloe has plenty to occupy her time. After Gil comes up with a solution of his own we do not see much of him, which was a bit of a disappointment, but watching the sweet little country girl that Chloe is, navigate the ton was amusement enough. A clever girl with a keen eye for judging people's characters, Chloe became frustratingly obtuse in her one sighted determination to solve everyone's problems including her own. The ton (Lord Rival) certainly has a way of corrupting the innocent!
"It seemed to Chloe that his lordship turned his attention to Tish very reluctantly. His eyes lingered on her own a bit longer than they should have. But then she recognized the thrill that secret knowledge gave her, and her native shrewdness reasserted itself like a dash of cold water. Why, he probably gave that impression to every female! It was an easy enough trick to do. The realization was strangely depressing" - Diane Farr
What I really liked about this book was the dialogue. I seriously would not have a clue how to write such dialogue or have any idea if it was spot on, but I loved it! The banter between Gil and his friends included key phrases which brought me back to my childhood growing up in the East End and I found it delightful and captivating! It is the kind of book that is easy to read, warms the heart, set in the Regency era and has the all important HEA!!! Need I say more.
Well done Diane, no surprises I had this read in a day and had read Lord Rival by the following, loved them both. (Lord Rival review to follow soon!)
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This book is worthy of 4 hearts - Mr Bingley! |