
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

My Physical TBR List!!!!!!!

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I thought my recent amount of book purchases were impressive, until my mother burst my bubble and made me realise I was out of my league compared to a true bookaholic!!! I acquired the books below faster than I could read them and now have a physical TBR list, not just a fantasy one on goodreads!!! Some fellow Janietes said they would like to know what they were, so as per requested, here they are Ladies, 97 books acquired over the last couple of months that I have yet to devour :) 

Have you read any of these? Are some on your TBR pile? It is always lovely to hear your thoughts :)


  1. Wow! You won't need to buy any more books this year (though I'm sure you will, LOL).

    I am proud of myself seeing this list too, I am sure I led you astray with some of these, but they were bargains so we couldn't miss out and not buy them could we?!

    I have so many of these in my TBR e-pile too, I look forward to reading along with you!

  2. Lol Ceri !!! You may have led me astray but I was more than willing to follow :) Just added another nine that I forgot about :) The thing is I have other books that I haven't purchased recently that I have yet to read which actually makes the list longer. I seriously do not know how I got myself into this situation (okay I do)! I need Elizabeth's skill in Haunting Mr Darcy, to have the gift of reading a book at the touch of a finger :)

  3. Impressive collection, Tamara!

    I've read or listened to at least 13 of them - I listen to audiobooks when I have a longish drive to work. Another 5 or so (more, if you count the individual titles in Love, Laughter and Happy Ever Afters) are sitting on my Kindle waiting to be read. It may be more but I couldn't make out the titles on some of the pictures. A lot of the rest (mainly the Austenesque ones) are all on my Wish List at Amazon or Audible.

    So much to read, so little time to read it all in!

    1. Yes Angela so little time!!! Yes sorry some of the titles are not clear I started to get tired, but I am looking to do one with all of my Austenesque book purchases to date and will make them nice and clear :) I only have P&P on audio, the Naxos one and I love listening to it in the car, when I get to my destination I don't want to get out lol

  4. Do you have any Elizabeth Aston on your list? She's a wonderful author. My favorites were "The Second Mrs. Darcy" and "The Exploits and Adventures of Miss Althea Darcy." Enjoy your reading!

    1. Hello Kate, no I do not, thank you for the heads up I will definitely add them to my wishlist! However as you can see from this post I have no discipline, so they will probably get added to the above list, as I will most likely purchase them post haste :)

  5. Wow, Tamara! What a great list! I have read some of them but I still have many more to read and add to my list :) I argue with my wallet every time I want to buy a new book...

    P.S.: It's Maria from Goodreads. Finally I managed to leave a comment on your blog, I'm so low-tech :P

    1. Hello my lovely, thanks for stopping by :) Hey I don't argue any more as I know I'll win, my wallet might as well save it's breath lol Happy reading, nice to hear from you :)

  6. I attempted a comment earlier and it didn't post so will try again. Forgive me if it shows up twice!

    I love your list, Tamara. It is quite extensive and nice. I have several of those on my TBR list to purchase and several that I have purchased and haven't read yet. There are some that I have read and enjoyed so will be looking forward to your thoughts on them. I am hoping to have some nice quiet time for reading again soon. Lately it just hasn't happened and I am needing my 'fix'.

    Good luck with your reading and your wallet! :)

    1. hello Janet, thank you. I am looking to do another list soon with all the Austenesque books I have read and all of the ones I have purchased and have yet to read!!! Should be fun, if you can believe it I hadn't read consistently for years and it was only when I discovered JAFF in March 2013 that my reading took a turn for the best and I haven't looked back. I hope you get some reading time soon :) my problem is I have not mastered prioritising yet and my reading seems to be taking precedence to the detriment of everything else lol

  7. If you haven't read any by Linda Wells, Marsha Altman (9 in series for Marsha), or Wendi Sotis I would add them to your list. They all write really long wonderful books :-).

    1. Thank you Lisa, you know I will have to buy those now, I cannot be content with them just on my wishlist lol Thank you for the recommends, it is most appreciated :)

  8. A wonderful list!! I understand you, this sensation of buying without dread a lot of books. I have lived it, too. Now read, read non-stop. Now read non-stop ;)
    Happy reading, Tamara!!!

    1. Lol Warmisunqu, I am afraid my non-stop reading is seriously effecting my life. I think my Tbr list is my families mortal enemy! Oh well I'll leave them to fight it out, while I read another book :)


Thank you! Your comments are always welcome